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Women in Resistance in Telangana
Wed Mar 7, 6:30 PM
Shubham and Meera Sanghamitra
Women in Resistance in Telangana- Movie Screening and Sharing of Experiences

Bharat Ke Nirmata- Women in Resistance (By Shubham with Media Collective, Delhi) is a film that documents the sharing of challenges, concerns, hopes and dreams of women who were and are part of many people's movements across India.

Through stories, poetry, music and dance, the women narrate their lived experiences of what made them who they are and their struggle with family, society, state, religion and patriarchy.

The event shall begin with the screening of this film be followed by a panel discussion with seven women from different people's movements from Telangana. Every speaker shall speak on three major themes- personal journeys and struggles, their experiences in the immediate political struggle that they are leading or are a part of, and their vision for life and the world.

The film runs for 52 minutes after which the panel members shall speak for ten minutes each followed by an hour long open floor for audience questions and discussions.