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Remembering Operation Polo
Sun Sep 16, 7:30 PM
Yunus Lasania & Lamakaan Programming Council
On September 17, 1948, the Indian army which was sent by the government had taken over the princely state of Hyderabad. Titled 'Operation Polo' and known as 'Police Action', the event annexed areas of present day Maharashtra and Karnataka, which were then under Hyderabad, to the Indian union.

The operation was initiated after Osman Ali Khan, the last and seventh monarch of the Asaf Jahi dynasty was deliberating between joining the Indian union and staying independent.

Anything but a simple takeover, Operation Polo had resulted in thousands of deaths, apparently at the hands of the Indian army (preceded by bouts of violence against citizens by the militia Razakaars run by Kasim Razvi, who later became the leader of the MIM). September 17 this year marks 70 years since the incident took place.

Mr. Burugula Narsing Rao (86) , then a college student, and someone who witnessed the murder of journalist Shoaibullah Khan (by the Razakaars) and what had transpired during the period will be speaking at Lamakaan on the occasion. So come join us for a discussion.