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Thu Oct 4, 4:30 PM
Program Council Lamakaan

“Neo-liberal capitalism” is the term used to describe the phase of capitalism where restrictions on the global flows of commodities and capital, including capital in the form of finance, have been substantially removed. Since such removal happens under pressure from globally-mobile (or international) finance capital, neo-liberal capitalism is characterized by the hegemony of international finance capital, with which the big capitals in particular countries get integrated, and which ensures that a common set of “neo-liberal” policies are pursued by all countries across the globe.
The emergence of such international finance capital is itself the outcome of the process of centralization of capital, which has attained hegemonic position in our society. To know more about the impact of Neo Liberal capitalism on Indian society and discuss about the future, all are invited to attend the talk on “ Neo Liberal Capitalism in Contemporary India” by Shri Prabhat Patnaik.

About the speaker:
Prof. Prabhat Patnaik is an internationally renowned Marxist economist and political commentator. At the time of his retirement in 2010, he held the Sukhamoy Chakravarty Chair in Planning and Development at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP), JNU, New Delhi, where he had taught from 1974. He was the vice chairperson of the Kerala State Planning Board and was part of a four-member high-power task force of the United Nations to recommend reform measures for the global financial system. He is the editor of the journal Social Scientist.