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An evening of A G Kurup's Poetry
Sun Aug 11, 4:30 PM
Padmini & Avalokita
The Metaphysics of the Tree-Frog's Silence is a volume of poetry written by Ajithan G. Kurup when he was in his twenties. The volume was published by Poetrywala posthumously after his tragic and sudden death in April 2015.

Adil Jussawalla writes in the introduction to the volume: 'To enter Ajithan G. Kurup’s poetic world is to risk, in the words of his title poem, dancing “headlong down precipices". It’s rare to find a contemporary poet who dares near-unattainable heights and fearful depths on dancing words... Ajithan's erudition spans a great many cultures and languages, classical and contemporary, and while some of it may seem Greek to the reader who shuns difficulty, it’s a Greek the poet seems truly to have lived in, a language internalised, as though, in fact, the poet was at home in the Greece of ancient times, or had passed through it as a passionately interested traveller.

Ajithan has the uncanny gift of being able to conjure back lands he has been to, using
his own peculiar brand of magic, and to dazzle us with lands he has never seen (as in “Sketches from a Log…”). He is voyager, shaman, and most often seer, in one person.'

Jeet Thayil, another contemporary poet, says: "It is our loss that we did not know Ajithan Kurup’s work when he was alive, and we did not celebrate his brave and lonely project: to render the unsayable into language. He cannot be imitated or replaced, only admired."