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'Mudda Ghatak Hai'
Sun Dec 22, 7:00 PM
Nishtha Pandey
Our society has a set of ideas about how we expect men and women to dress, behave, and present themselves. About how we define 'love'. About how we ask everyone to fit into tight compartments of stereotypes. Now it's high time to ask WHY? The street play titled 'Mudda Ghatak Hai' asks these very critical questions. Directed, written and performed by the students of street play team 'Bedari'. This play intices the inequalities that have been present among different genders in the Indian society, since the very beginning of time, with fitting references to Indian mythology, Bollywood songs or the so-called 'hit numbers' to the references to our everyday news of tragic events with respect to the same. This play includes symbolic representation of concerns such as discrimination against LGBTQ+ community, toxic masculinity and female infanticide shedding light upon the humiliating practices of slut-shaming, the killing of a girl child and corrective rape. It ultimately reflects the functioning of the society forever since, reiterating the idea of dharma or justice from the Indian mythology that we preach. All we want to convey is that 'Stereotypes Don't Define Us' and now it's high time that the society accepts this because Mudda Bahut Ghatak Hai!!