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Bazm e Sukhan
Fri Dec 27, 6:00 PM
Lamakaan An Open Cultural Space
Celebrating Bazm e Sukhan's first anniversary.

Aao ke koi khwaab bunen :- Mir Ali Husain duration 90 min
Husain is a writer and is currently working on a theatrical project based on the life of Sahir Ludhianvi.

Sameena Begum would speak on Dholak ke Geet
Sameena Begum is researcher and published author with focus on Hyderabadi culture and Urdu. Her latest work "Hyderabadi Dholak Ke Geet" is a rigorous study of about 10 years. She studied MA, M.Phil in MANUU, and currently pursuing PhD in Urdu from Osmania University.

Reading Jeelani Bano's short stories
By Elahe Hiptoola , Rajaa Farhan and Ramsha Farhan.

Elahé Hiptoola is a Film Producer with award winning films like Iqbal, Dor and Dhanak to her credit. She is also one of the founders of Lamakaan.

Rajaa is a young photographer and Assistant Manager at Lamakaan.

Ramsha studies liberal arts at the Azim Premji University in Bangalore.

Ashhar Farhan will read from Anees Ayesha's new book. "Main ne yeh jaana" - is an unprecedented transliterated introduction to Urdu poetry

The next edition of HLF is scheduled for 24-26th Jan 2020. Nearly 200 speakers, of whom 25-30% from outside India, are expected to participate in the Festival. HLF 2020 is the 10th Edition and is special. It is planned to further add to the scope and scale of the festival, increase in activities, and create interest across a wider target audiences.

To celebrate the 10th year, a new segment has been proposed to be introduced, starting ten weeks before. Every Friday the Festival itself - called
Festival Fridays: Countdown to Ten Years of HLF

27th Dec 2019 is the 6th Festival Friday event in collaboration with Lamakaan.