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Creative Hyderabadis Meetup
Thu Mar 22, 7:00 PM
Nina Cherla
CREATIVE HYDERABADIS is aimed for all the creative spirits out there. The musicians, the writers, the artists, the actors, the designers. Anyone who love to express themselves through art, whatever form it may be.

During this very first meetup we will introduce ourselves, discuss what the aims for the group should be, how we can grow and thrive and share ideas on how to utilize the potential of the group to the fullest. In the future we are hoping to create seminars with specific themes, inviting members of the group to share knowledge on their expertise. During this first meetup we can ask whether there are people interested in facilitating such events, decide frequency and look at possible dates.

In short:

Let’s meet up, let’s exchange ideas and experiences. Let’s make friends and maybe even new exciting projects.