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Ek Akeli Aurat
Sun Nov 25, 7:30 PM
Rangadhara Theatre Streams
Brief story: What does a woman really want? What is the meaning of love and
companionship for a woman? Is she restricted by the boundaries of society and the
definitions that people have defined for her? The story of one such woman who is
talkative yet silently resilient, confident yet scared, a fighter but also a victim.
Being trapped in her house is a symbol of the shackles she feels around her. When
she seeks company and love is that a genuine need or a guilty indulgence?
A woman who is frustrated in marriage, is haunted by crank caller, money lender
and also exploited by her perverted brother-in-law, is in love with younger boy and
has no qualms about sharing with an acquaintance her marital problems as well as
private moments spent with her lover?
Anger, frustration, restlessness, hope, regret, guilt and determination are
just some of the inner turmoil of the protagonist.