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Water is coming (ForEarth)
Tue Jun 4, 7:00 PM
Adrien SELLES and Sylvain FERRANT
India is facing multiple challenges in terms of water use. Major river dams have been built in the 80s to secure the expected fast growing domestic demand. Those infrastructures are now outdated and nowadays Indian megacities have to face both severe domestic water shortages and a steady water demand growth expected for the next decades. This discussion aims to propose an involvment of all the citizens to monitor their water resource. It is crucial to sensibilize the water users.

Developped in collaboration with scientists, the ForEarth system demonstrates an easy access to monitoring and warning related to water supplies for irrigation and consumption around the city and Hyderabad in the state of Telangana in India. Using satellites images combined with machine learning, a precise monitoring of the water resource is possible via smartphone.

This service is in easy access, free and data responsable. With this service, we want to rise the involvment of all water users and share the experience of water consumptions at different level during an open discussion.

This event will combine presentations by Researchers specialize in water and remote sensing with a round table discussion with the users.
This event is not commercial.