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Sun Aug 4, 12:00 PM
Crimson & Kota pardha saradhi
A unique and creative workshop for all art enthusiasts , Art lovers, join us to create 3 dimensional wall murals ,with hands on experience of moulding and casting, using clay and plaster of Paris in a very easy and safe method,
This will be a two day/two session event which is open for all age groups,
Children below 12 need to be accompanied by parents, but they will be considered as individual participants, participants can take away their creative works at the end of the session. This will be a 3 hours workshop on day one (clay design moulding, casting)and two hours session on day two (painting the murals )
All the required Materials will be provided for the work shop,
Participation fee is 300 per day,
The workshop is conducted by National award winning artists ( sculptor Sri.Kota Partha Saradha, & painter crimson )
For queries contact : 9959864467,9182783684 .