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How India Voted in 2019
Thu Jul 11, 7:30 PM
Lamakaan An Open Cultural Space
How India Voted in 2019: Puzzles with No Clear Answers?

While a BJP / NDA victory in the 2019 election was anticipated, political workers and commentators alike were surprised to the extent - the seemingly unassailable capacity of the modi / shah duo and the BJP to craft an absolute sweep that has left the opposition in shambles. This has prompted some commentators to suggest that India has changed fundamentally and in some ways irreversibly. Is this really true? How would we characterize such a change? Or if not, how does one understand the results?

Pranjoy Guha Thakurta, Journalist & Political Commentator, Arafa Khanum Sherwani, Senior Editor, The Wire and Biju Mathew, Professor and Labor Organizer respond to these questions and more in lamakaan's key election analysis event. The event will be moderated by Malini Subramaniam, Journalist and Political Activist.

All are welcome!