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Covid In India: Do they add up?
Sat May 16, 8:00 PM
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Event Description:

In early March, the world looked towards India with obvious panic. What would a country of 1.3 billion with a weak health infrastructure do as the pandemic spreads? The New Yorker anticipated that covid19 would "rip through" the country while others predicted devastation. One epidemiologist went as far as to warm of 200 million or more people being infected. But after 5 weeks of the lockdown, none of this has come to pass. This has resulted in some commentators declaring that the lockdown has been successful. Has it? Because even as the PM announced an eased lockdown the first 4 days of May have seen a steady increase in new cases and COVID related deaths. Then there has been the testing mantra - that the numbers are vastly under-reported because testing rates are abysmally low. But others challenge this outlook by pointing to the fact that neither have hospitals been overwhelmed nor is there an inexplicable spike in the death rate. How then does one explain the low numbers and what is being reported from hospitals? And what does the future hold? How complicated will the story of testing and vaccines be as we move forward? What has happened in India over the last 6 weeks Has produced answers for very few questions and opened up several new ones. These will be the subject of the Lamakaan / ICWI panel discussion where three of the most distinguished experts come together to help us think this through.

Our Panelists:

Prof. Jayaprakash Muliyil, Professor of Community Health, Former Principal CMC Vellore.

Dr. Prabir Chatterjee - Director of State Health System Resource Centre of Chhattisgarh govt in Raipur.

Dr. Radha Rangarajan, Chief Scientific Officer, HealthCubed

Dr.Saleema Razvi (Moderator), Research Economist, Copenhagen Consensus.